site title, Brooklyn Feldenkrais

Somatic Trauma Healing + an Integrated Approach to Chronic Pain

Dan Rindler, Somatic Experiencing and Feldenkrais Practitioner

Dan Rindler, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner

“You can tell that for Dan teaching Feldenkrais is a calling. He is very passionate about it in his quiet but enthusiastic way and cares deeply about my learning.”
– Stella, 2019

About Me:

Ever since I started learning Feldenkrais Method in 1991, I’ve been on a path toward learning to address chronic pain, trauma and anxiety through an embodied approach. My path went on towards studies of infant development, to seek out private mentoring with Ruella Frank, creator of Developmental Somatic Psychology, and to become certified in Somatic Experiencing. I have offered Feldenkrais-based workshops for psychotherapists with Stacey Klein LCSW, and more recently, have offered webinars through Somatic Experiencing International. 

When I began learning about Somatic Experiencing, Peter Levine’s approach to trauma-renegotiation, it resonated with me in a powerful way. I felt a huge sense of being at home in both the method and the community of SE practitioners. Since the first days of learning SE, I’ve worked to weave Feldenkrais and SE into my own personal somatic approach. I now work as an assistant teacher in Somatic Experiencing trainings, and am approved to offer personal educational sessions to Beginning Year SE trainees.

The personal work I’ve done is what allows me to stay regulated and open to my clients as they work through their own learning process. My ability to offer this to you only comes because I’m doing this work myself. I am somewhere along the same path as my clients, and continue to work with layers of my own experience to become more present myself and more connected with others. 

“You can tell that for Dan this work is a calling. He is very passionate about it in his quiet but enthusiastic way and cares deeply about clients’ growth.”  – Stella Robertson

“Dan has an uncanny ability to watch your child for only a moment and make spot-on suggestions of how you can best support your baby’s development.”  – Ronit

“Dan’s carefully crafted sessions have been a helpful point of contact, learning and gentle exploration.”  – Michelle

“Our work together has had a big impact on me. My pain is gone. My posture is better. And I’m much less fatigued at the end of the day.” – Jennifer

Feldenkrais Training: I completed the 4-year 800+ hour Feldenkrais Certification Training in 2006 with David Zemach Bersin, founder of the Feldenkrais Institute of NY. After practicing Feldenkrais for several years, I enrolled in an intensive 2-year Feldenkrais post-graduate training with Jeff Haller called IOPS Academy. IOPS is: Ideal Organization, Profound Strength. This training has been a strong influence on my practice and the refinement of understanding of movement that I’ve gained in the past few years of studying with Jeff Haller has helped me to become more effective than ever in my work with clients.  I have also done personal supervision/mentoring with Anastasi Siotas, Andrew Gibbons, and Dr. Ruella Frank, founder of the Center for Somatic Studies.

Trauma:  Working with Dr. Ruella Frank greatly influenced my somatic work with clients with anxiety, trauma, or other psychological difficulties. I have since gone on to study and certify in Somatic Experiencing through Somatic Experiencing International. This approach has permeated every aspect of my work with all clients, whether or not they have experienced events they’d call traumatic.

Child’Space Training: I completed the 250 hour Child’Space Certification training in 2009, which is an approach to working with parents and infants together, based upon the principles of Moshe Feldenkrais. Almost immediately after, I was invited to work as an assistant in the following training. Since then I have also co-taught a 300 hour Child’Space training here in NYC to 21

Music: I first began learning the Feldenkrais method over 25 years ago, as a young musician in need of help with severe repetitive strain injuries. My experience as an injured musician fuels my dedication to working with musicians and other performing artists who are looking to avoid pain and/or improve performance. I have taught Feldenkrais private sessions to musicians and dancers, workshops for young choral singers at the KONY Sings choral festival, workshops at Manhattanville Collge for music educators, weekly classes for music faculty at the Brooklyn Conservatory, and most recently was the practitioner in residence at Yale University’s Norfolk Chamber Music Festival where I worked with both students and faculty.  I no longer play music professionally, but I very much enjoy singing and playing guitar, ukulele and banjo.trainees.

I am always learning!  Here are details of trainings I’ve attended in the past 10+ years, and also a detailed list of many of the organizations and locations where I’ve worked, from my private practice, to workshops and training programs.

Dan Rindler, Feldenkrais Training

800+ hrs  2002-2006  Feldenkrais Professional Training Program, David Zemach Bersin, Educational Director

25 hrs 2004 Advanced Training: Understanding Infant Development as a Framework for Functional Integration Lessons, Chava Shelhav

25 hrs 2005 Advanced Training: Understanding Infant Development as a Framework for Functional Integration Lessons, Chava Shelhav

15 hrs 2006 Advanced Training: Lines of Force, Gravity and Function, Donna Ray

20 hrs 2007 Advanced Training: Working with the Spine, David Zemach Bersin

250 hrs 2007 Child’Space Professional Training, Chicago-1, Chava Shelhav

20 hrs 2011 Introduction to Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy. Ruella Frank

20 hrs 2011 Advanced Training: Working with the Neck and Shoulders, David Zemach Bersin and Ned Dwelle

25 hrs 2012 Anatomy of Action for Feldenkrais Practitioners, Anastasi Sirotas

10 hrs 2012 Fall Intensive Primary Movement Essentials, Sheryl Field

25 hrs 2013 Walk for Life, Ruthy Alon

20 hrs 2013 Supervision Group for Feldenkrais Practitioners: Movement and Emotion, Ruella Frank

30 hrs 2013 Weekly Supervision Group for Feldenkrais Practitioners, Marek Wyszynski

300+ hrs 2015-2017 Feldenkrais Graduate Program: Ideal Organization, Profound Strength, Full Training + 8 Days of Master Class with Jeff Haller, Educational Director

Dan Rindler, Feldenkrais Teaching Experience 

2006-Present   Feldenkrais Practitioner, Teaching Group Classes, workshops and Private Practice

2005-2007   Guest Clinician:  KONY Sings! Kodály Organization of NY Choral Festival, Taught Feldenkrais Movement Lessons to several hundred young singers

2010-2012  Teaching Assistant.  Child’Space Certification Program, Evanston IL, Assisted with teaching 30 students in a 300 hour training

2011 Guest Presenter: Child’Space Method at the Feldenkrais NY Regional Conference

2012 Group Teacher for Music Faculty/Students:  Brooklyn Conservatory Taught weekly Feldenkrais classes for faculty and students

2013-2014 Practitioner on Staff:  Feldenkrais Institute of New York, Taught Group Feldenkrais Classes, Private Sessions and Workshops

2014-2015  Trainer:  Child’Space Certification Program, New York, NY, Co-Taught 300 hour training program in Manhattan

2015  Guest Presenter:  Columbia University Head Start, Inwood, NYC.  Co-Taught workshop, supporting infant development through touch for parent/infant educators.

2016  Park Slope Armory YMCA, Taught recurring Awarness Through Movement Classes in a fitness center setting.

2016 Feldenkrais Practioner in Residence: Yale University, Norfolk Chamber Music Festival.Taught classes and private sessions to students and faculty.

2017 Guest Teacher:  Manhattan School of Music, New York, NY.  Taught recurring Feldenkrais Workshops for musicians.

2017 Guest Teacher: Industry City Fitness Center

2017 Feldenkrais Practioner in Residence: Yale University, Norfolk Chamber Music Festival.Taught classes and private sessions to students and faculty.

2018  Guest Teacher: Yale School of Music, New Haven, CT.  Taught an Awareness Through Movement workshop for musicians.

2018 Feldenkrais Practioner in Residence: Yale University, Norfolk Chamber Music Festival.Taught classes and private sessions to students and faculty.